Minicourse: On structure of finitary permutation groups

Vissarion Belyaev (Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (State University), Moscow),

The aim of the lectures is to present three distinct approaches to investigation of a structure of finitary permutation groups. The first approach is based on the standard permutation notions such as Orbits, Stabilizers, Blocks, and so on. The second approach is topological. The third approach is geometric, it gives us a way to construct finitary permutation groups as finitary automorphism groups of some graphs.

It contains 2 lectures.

Minicourse: A strong version of the Sims conjecture on finite permutation groups

Anatoly Kondrat'ev (Krasovskii Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics, Yekaterinburg),


It contains 2 lectures.

Minicourse: Introduction to the character theory of finite groups of Lie type

Alexandre Zalesski (The National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Minsk, Belarus),

Character theory of finite groups of Lie type is an advanced area of representation theory of finite groups containing numerous fascinating results. Significance of the theory for group theory derives from the fact that the majority of simple groups are groups of Lie type, so one cannot ignore these groups when approaching problems of general nature.

The aim of the lectures is to focus on the key elements of the theory in order to help beginners to orient in the area and understand the central ideas of the theory.

Some knowledge of classical theory of finite group representation is required, including notions of irreducible and induced representations, as well as basic standard results of character theory (inner product of characters, orthogonality relations etc).

It contains 4 lectures.